

5 tips to make your mark as a tech “Bootcamp-graduate”

5 tips to make your mark as a tech “Bootcamp-graduate”

Bootcamps have become widely popular in today’s tech scene. 

To put this in perspective. We can tell you that, as one of the best Bootcamps in Piscataway, we are graduating job-ready developers every six months, as the demand for tech talent is on the ever-rise.

Gone is the time when Bootcamps were only limited to upgrading your existing tech skillset. 

Bootcamps have become an alternative to degree programs. 

The reason is simple. The demand for a tech workforce is increasing every day.

And so even the bootcamps, which are extensive enough like a degree course, are becoming at par with the graduation degrees! 

If you’re thinking of starting or switching your career in the technology field and choosing Bootcamp over a degree program, then settle down; this article is for you.

Let’s begin with the

5 tips you need to follow religiously to shine as a “Bootcamp-graduate” Java/AWS/App Developer

follow religiously to shine as a Bootcamp-graduate

1. Learn to build & commit: 

As a beginner, most projects you will work on will be on your GitHub account. Your GitHub account is the highlight of your resume. 

During the initial days, one usually does a lot of activities on GitHub, but after a few days that curiosity is likely to die & then one fails to continue working on those projects.

This procrastination turns into a laid-back attitude, and as a Bootcamp graduate, you cannot afford to do that. You have to put in double the amount of effort.

Entrepreneurs and Managers are very selective, and they want to hire people who don’t need a lot of training. You have to be worthy of their investment.

Develop a passion for your work. Once you start committing and working passionately on your projects, half the job is already done.

For a start, try working on some open-source projects.

Find projects that are in accordance with your skill level and interests. 

Once you do that consistently, you will become a much better candidate and increase your chances of getting hired.

2. Work on your communication skills:

 Work on your communication skills:

Let us break it to you if you don’t already know this. Many developers and coders struggle with their communication skills. 

The nature of the job is such that every developer needs good communication skills. 

In addition to the above, communicating like a pro is a must-have skill in technology.

You see, having good communication skills is something that will make you stand out from the crowd. 

Good communication skills also mean that you will be able to communicate your abilities as a developer clearly and professionally to your interviewer.

But what exactly does it mean to have “Good Communication Skills?”

We know you must be thinking, what does it mean to have good communication for a developer?

So, as a tech person, you should communicate in a way that both an advanced tech person and a non-tech person can easily comprehend.

To communicate better, you can attend various meetups or conferences organized for & by the developer community. 

Listen to the speakers there and how they communicate the most advanced and technical skills in the most straightforward manner possible. 

At such places, you can wire your brain to communicate impactfully.

Also, blogging and making content on youtube also does a lot in overall refining and developing the communication skill that will set you apart from other candidates.

3. Don’t get stuck in “Javascript Fatigue”

 Don't get stuck in "Javascript Fatigue"

In an always-evolving tech scenario, it is common for one to get stuck with javascript fatigue. 

Javascript fatigue is a sense that makes you think that you constantly have to keep up with the newest/trending technologies to build your projects.

The problem is that there are so many frameworks out there that you will be overwhelmed as a beginner.

Know this. Even if you are not up to date with the hottest frameworks, you will still do well as a beginner. 

You will have no problem securing a job as long as you focus on building proficiency in the language of your choice and have a solid understanding of programming concepts that matter.

4. Focus on specializing your skillset

 Focus on specializing your skillset

As a beginner, you might wonder if it is too soon to specialize in one field. Yes, it is ok for a bit, but you have to start thinking long-term. 

Think about it. If you love building mobile apps and let’s say java or kotlin is the language that you click with. But you are also exploring C++ right now. 

So, it should not take long enough to figure out whether you are enjoying C++ or not.

Or let’s say you are exploring UI engineering instead of writing code for mobile app development for a while. 

Then be honest with yourself and make a decision soon for yourself. What is it that you love?

Figure out, commit to it long-term, and focus on specializing in that skill. 

5. Polish your knowledge about algorithms & data structure skills:

Polish your knowledge about algorithms & data structure skills

All the technical interviews these days are loaded with questions about algorithms and structures. So make sure you know DSA concepts in and out.

Recent studies by various organizations have confirmed that Bootcamp graduates tend to have this area as their weakness. Things like being well-versed in data Structures and algorithms make college graduates favorable over Bootcamp graduates.

Companies feel very firmly in a candidate who has a solid understanding of data structures & algorithms.

To refine your DSA knowledge, you can refer to various online libraries like geeksforgeeks.org. There are also many YouTube videos and free & paid courses that you can guide to learn DSAs.

6. Practice, practice, & practice:

 Practice, practice, & practice

Lastly, to be just as attractive an employee as a college graduate, you need to practice a lot. 

Remember, you must learn what a college grad knows in 4 years. 

So you only have a quarter of a college grad’s time.

It simply means you have to practice complexity and intelligence without being overwhelmed (because you don’t have the time for it.)

A Bootcamp sure costs way less than a college degree, but it demands payment in terms of time & dedication. 

And mind you, Bootcamp has all the systems to make you a job-ready developer. You have to work hard. 

There is no other way.

Set your priorities straight, learn to manage your time, and be consistent. 

That’s all it takes.

Thank you for sticking and reading this through. We hope we have given you that clarity on what it means to be a Bootcamp graduate. 

If you’re in Piscataway, NJ, and want to join a Bootcamp as an app/software/AWS developer, check us out at Emonics Academy. 

Emonics Academy is among the few best Bootcamps in the Piscataway area, as the student’s reviews say.

They have a system for making an applicant an app/software/AWS developer within six months. And the best part is, they provide you with placement after the course. 

The cherry on the cake is that you don’t pay any fee upfront. You only start paying in easy installments when you get hired.

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