

Want to shift your career to Tech? Read this before you do.

Want to shift your career to Tech? Read this before you do.

If you are thinking of shifting your current career to a new technological role, then you are not alone. 

About half of the workforce in the world is currently thinking of pivoting careers at this moment.

And the tech industry is amongst the top 5 of the list of most sought-after careers to pivot.

There is nothing controversial about it. The high pay scale is what attracts people in most cases.

And then some people find this field of work fascinating. They are curious about how it works and would love to do it for a paycheck.

Whatever the case, as someone working in any job and thinking of shifting towards a promising career opportunity, the best route for you is joining a tech Bootcamp. 

If you’re interested in becoming a software developer, you might want to check out a Java Bootcamp for beginners. 

Similarly, if you want to be an app developer, then Android or iOS app developer Bootcamp for beginners should be your choice.

Now joining a Bootcamp does sound like an easy route to becoming a developer. 

But in reality, it is the exact opposite. 

You see, a Bootcamp graduate has to work a lot harder & smarter than a college student who has learned nothing but coding over the last 4 years. 

How do you expect to match up to their level?

Well, you don’t.

You play it smart. 

At a Java Bootcamp, let’s say you won’t waste any time and will be taught the Java concepts step-by-step.

These will be the concepts that matter to work on real projects.

And once you grab hold of those concepts. All you have to do is practice, practice, and practice harder.

You’ll have to build as many projects as possible, and after each project, you’ll have to increase complexity and difficulty. 

As you get a little bit comfortable writing code, then from thereon, you need to start practicing writing code manually on a sheet of paper. 

Once done, you have to self-assess yourself and improve your mistakes if there are any.

But even after doing all this, it is humanly impossible to remember all that code at your level. And such cases are normal. Many interviewers will mostly judge you based on how clear your concepts are. 

And that is what a Bootcamp teaches you, the actual concepts. There you also practice on real-world projects that familiarize you with the nature of work in tech companies.

But all is not said and done.

We know what is your state of mind right now. Like most people, you must be for two reasons, and making this pivot to an all-new career might seem like a reckless move. The fear of changing careers and starting from scratch is quite daunting, especially imagining yourself struggling around people who know more than you and are 2, 5, or even 10 years younger than you. It is quite an uncomfortable position to be in.

However, this is merely that big of a problem.

If you are ready to work, then picking up technical skills is not that difficult. 

You are not looking at the brighter side of things. Apart from all the technical skills, you are pretty experienced in other areas, such as having good communication skills and a go-get-it mindset, and you are mentally prepared to handle challenges like deadlines. You know how to set your priorities straight, right? These flexible skills are transferable to any industry and will be your strength while you are learning the core skill of coding.

So If we were to give you

5 tips you need to follow to make a smooth career transition into the tech industry, then here are those:

 make a smooth career transition into the tech industry

1. Choose your track:

 Choose your track:

The tech industry has many jobs and roles. For, e.g.: there are software developers, Game developers, Mobile app developers, Blockchain developers, AI engineers, Data engineers, product managers, etc.

You may try as many of these options as you want, choose one that suits you, and stick to it.

2. Choose a way to learn:

Choose a way to learn:

After assessing and consolidating all the soft skills needed in your chosen tech role. It would help if you found a way to learn coding skills in your field of interest. A degree program is not the most practical choice, especially if you are already working in a 9 to 5. So, in your case, a Bootcamp is an ideal choice.

3. Ask yourself why?:

Ask yourself why

You need to have a solid reason to change your career path and an end goal that keeps you motivated while you embark on your new journey. Your objective must be such that it makes you jump out of your bed in the morning before the alarm goes off.

This is also important because you must be prepared when the interviewer asks you, “Why did you decide to switch your career path altogether?

4. Find a community:

 Find a community

Wouldn’t it be great If you could get to know a thing or two about your new job from people who have already been in your place before? That is where the power of community comes into place. You see, there are plenty of online communities where you can access various coding communities. You must make friends and connections that bring value to the tech world. So always be part of active communities and keep networking!

5. Set a target for yourself:

Set a target for yourself

Make an action plan to work towards a target. Start by setting small goals. Goals that are realistic and achievable. Once you start meeting those smaller goals, within a few months, you’ll surely be on a different level. Just be consistent and keep learning from your mistakes.

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