5 future proof tech courses highly in demand in the USA

5 future proof tech courses highly in demand in the USA

Look around you. Everything we do these days is powered by tech. It’s become hard to imagine life without tech.

So naturally, to support that tech ecosystem we live in, and to create newer technologies we need IT & Tech talent.

This demand for tech talent is the reason behind the popularity of the search term courses in demand in the USAon Google.

The tech companies’ HR departments are always out looking for tech talent. And one might wonder, Why so?

You see, there are only so many IT graduates from big tech schools that can meet the demand for fresh IT talent, that these companies are always short on.

They need fresh and energetic people who have that passion for creating & innovating and have that hunger to change their life. But not all such passionate people are fortunate enough to get into a big school and make their way into the tech industry.

So that’s where tech courses & Bootcamps come into the picture. A 3-6-month IT course can enable a suitable candidate, who wants to move up in the world, to be job-ready without ever going to college.

Yes! 60-70% of IT companies do hire candidates who are Bootcamp graduates or have gone through a recognized course or a program.

Tech roles that are future proof

Tech roles that are future proof

1.   Software Developer:

The software will always be in demand. And so will the demand for software developers. As a beginner software developer, you will need to master either of these languages. These languages are Java, C++, or Scala. These 3 languages form the basis of any software.

Java is a general purposeful programming language as it can be used to build software for almost all platforms. Be it web or mobile, this language is still one of the most preferred languages.

C++ is an object-oriented language that is used for both high-level and low-level programming. C++ programming language takes a bit of time to master but this language is a perfect alternative to Java. Though this language can help build all kinds of software, C++ is famously used to build games. It also works on all kinds of operating systems and can also help in the extraction of data sets.

Scala is a relatively newer programming language that has recently gained popularity. This language is more compact and less lengthy, per se. It’s also relatively easy to learn. Scala is a productive language as it takes a fraction of code to write to perform the same function in Java.

If you’re a beginner, then we’d recommend learning Java as it is the easiest of all to master and has a lot of online resources for your reference.

Once you are familiar with Java then you can move on to learning the other two languages that are required to become a complete and well-rounded software developer.

You can check out this course if you want to get started as a software developer.

2.   Android Developer:

Just like software development, Android development is also a future-proof tech career that you can pursue by going through an intensive Android development boot camp/course.

Android phones make up the majority of mobile phone usage in the world. And to support such a vast system (which is only going to increase) for more than half of the world, all tech companies and other online businesses need Android Developers.

And the good news is that you can become an Android Developer without a college degree and by studying in an Android Development Boot camp.

iOS developers have always had a special demand in the job market. Though the user base of iOS is a fraction of Android. Still is a staggering 0.9-1 billion people who use iPhones.

Just like Android, to cater to all those iOS users. iOS developers will always be in demand.

3. iOS Developer:

Plus, there is also an increased affinity towards apple products from developing countries where buying apple products is considered a status symbol and gives a sense of success & fulfillment.

To become an iOS developer you can enroll yourself in an intensive boot camp and prepare yourself to become job-ready.

Learning Android and iOS development is not just limited to bagging a tech job. You can also work on your own idea on the side and become an entrepreneur.

Simply speaking, the opportunities are limitless for Mobile App Developers.

4. Artificial Intelligence:

AI is still in its infant stage. So naturally, the need for AI developers will rise to make AI more feasible and accessible throughout the internet. And it will easily take another 10-20 years for the everyday application of AI in our lives.

So if you’re looking to get started in the field of AI then now is the time.

5.   Machine Learning: 

Just like Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning is also emerging as a lucrative career option. Machine Learning helps in the development of technologies like Voice assistants, chatbots, decision support, dynamic pricing, and predictive analysis.

Machine Learning is nothing but feeding a computer algorithm a huge amount of data for it to make data-driven recommendations and suggestions.

Since only a fraction of online businesses use machine learning today and a lot more are still yet to be covered. The demand for machine learning is increasing every day.

AI and machine learning go hand in hand and are closely related. So we’d recommend you to learn both topics and then choose what you like based on your experience.

Reasons why tech jobs are very popular

Reasons why tech jobs are very popular

1.   The high pay: 

It is true. Tech jobs pay quite well when compared to the majority of other jobs. Though, this field is genuinely for those who have a passion for it. Because times can testing at times, as a software developer or an app developer.

2.   A prestigious job: 

Tech jobs are considered more prestigious than other jobs because of high pay and the sense of fulfillment.

3.   Minimal physical effort: 

Tech jobs, as evident as it is, require minimal physical effort. People who don’t want to do so much physical work can build great careers in the tech industry. Though, tech jobs do require a lot of effort at a mental level.

4.   Work from Home Aspect: 

It is apparent after covid that having a tech job is quite secure. You can work from home in a situation when you have to. Moreover, many companies have adopted work from home as their Modus Operandi.

Which Is the best IT course?

 courses in demand in the USA

The best route to get into the IT industry will always be going to a college and getting a formal education. But it’s not the only route. There are just as good alternatives.

These alternatives will come to your rescue if you’re someone who doesn’t come from a financially sound background and want to avoid student loan debt.

These alternatives are Bootcamps.

Emonics Academy is a reliable Bootcamps itself. Emonics Academy is a part of Emonics.com which is a talent acquisition company and has clients as big as MAANG (formerly known as FAANG). So based on our data, we know what kind of talent companies want, and to create that talent we have come up with courses framed according to the tech jobs in demand in the USA. Our courses are not like plain courses that teach you the basics and leave you to them.

Instead, our courses are molded according to the special requirement of the tech companies. So basically, with Emonics Academy you learn what companies need. Moreover, our courses are made for students who don’t exactly come from modest backgrounds and want to avoid piling up on student debt. The course also provides an opportunity of securing a placement at the end of the curriculum. The fee of the course is a minimal fraction of what you’d pay in a college which is also not supposed to be paid upfront, instead, you get the option to pay it later in easy EMIs when you secure a job.

So if you’re passionate about getting into the tech industry then Emonics Academy Bootcamp can be your safe bet.

That was all about 5 future-proof tech courses highly in demand in the USA and how you can get yourself enrolled in one.

Thank you for your time. We hope this piece of info helps. Best of luck!

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