

5 reasons to pursue an Android Development course in the USA

5 reasons to pursue an Android Development course in the USA

“Is Android Development dead?”

“Will Android Development be relevant in the future?”

“Should I pursue Android Development in 2022?”

These are the types of questions that are trending on google these days. But as a company that works closely with Android Developers and IT business owners, we can guarantee that the future of Android development course in USA is bountiful with opportunities. 

While businesses are getting familiar with the latest technologies, new trends are shaping the area of Android Development. To put it into perspective, there was around 7.9 million app installs on the Apple Store last year. However, the number of app installs on the Android Platform were 28 billion. The scope of Android Development is much more comprehensive simply due to the broader acceptability of Android worldwide. 

It seems like nothing out there can stop the rise of Android Development in the future, making it a very lucrative career option. The entry barrier in Android Development might be low. Still, as an aspiring Android Developer, you need to gain a deep understanding of programming concepts and be competent at what it takes to become an Android Developer.

There is a catch to being an Android Developer in the present situation. 

In recent advancements, creating an Android app has become more straightforward, and making apps is no longer a hassle. Recently, we have all been hearing headlines about automation apps that make apps for you. Sure, they let you make the basic stuff, but with time these technologies will only get better, and a day will come when making apps will become quick and easy.

Due to this, certain technologies will render your skills as “just another android developer” irrelevant.

The only way to overcome this is by becoming a future-proof Android Developer.

You can do this by acquiring future-proof Android Development skills. These skills are why you should pursue Android Development without worrying about the future.

Let’s go through each one of these skills one by one:

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Artificial Intelligence and Automation: As an aspiring app developer, you must learn how to work with AI and integrate it into App Development. Integrating AI into apps will help you make more personalized and efficient applications that meet the needs and expectations of users.

The future is about user experience and using AI, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics to meet better the demands of the end-user of your mobile application.


Blockchain: With the recent advancements in the blockchain and Web 3.0 space, the field of Android Development has got one more untapped potential industry to serve. You can bank on this new space if you acquire the required skills because blockchain technology is the future.

You will need to create apps that can directly communicate with blockchain technologies like Ethereum, Sonata, and others to increase the efficiency of operations and security of the stored data.

Wherever Data Privacy is viral, blockchain technology will come into play, and Mobile App Developers will be required wherever it is. Medical apps, payment apps, and even stock applications have already started incorporating blockchain technology in their business.

IOT Integrated Android Development

IOT Integrated Android Development: The best thing about Android Development is that Android is free and will always be accessible shortly, as we know. Now, this is an opportunity for all hardware manufacturers worldwide.

And industries like healthcare, electronics, and electrical have big plans to use IoT and mobile apps together to create IoT products that can be accessed with just a click of a button on your phone.

The advent of smart homes and intelligent watches has already started, but these technologies have not been distributed to products like mobile phones.

This indicates only one thing, IoT and Android Development will go hand in hand in the future. Businesses want their customers to be able to access their IoT-enabled intelligent devices, which can only be accessed with the help of IoT-enabled mobile applications.

M-Commerce Applications

M-Commerce Applications: Today, everybody is used to ordering what they want with a tap. Brands that have built good loyalty over the years have launched their mobile apps so that their customers can reach them with just a few clicks. This also helps these brands generate more sales and revenue.

Game Development

Game Development: Since the announcement of Metaverse, the gaming industry has got a whole new area to unfold. They have a unique business opportunity to create new lifelike “Point of View” and “roleplay” games that help them encash the latest technology. To make that possible, App Developers will be needed. The Mobile Gaming industry is expected to cross the threshold of $120 billion this year. As a newbie app developer, you can take advantage of this opportunity and learn the nuances of app development required to build such games. 

Mobile gaming has been rising in developing economies for the last five years, and gaming companies are working to create newer games and challenges. Thus new players are also emerging in this space.

Leverage the Opportunity to Break into Android Development!

If you are still considering getting into app development, start looking for ways to learn Android Development. If you’re in the US, then your scope of being an Android Developer is even more lucrative since many established businesses are working in the spaces mentioned above.

These are the five future-proof career opportunities in the field of Android Development by Emonics Academy. We hope we were able to clear your doubts regarding Android Development as a career option of the future!

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